NonGMO Project GMO food verification logo orange

ifp Institut für Produktqualität GmbH (Institute for Product Quality)

Berlin, Germany
Tests For
Canola, corn, papaya, soy, alfalfa (qualitative), cotton (qualitative), sugar beets (qualitative), summer squash (qualitative)

ifp Institute for Product Quality is an ISO 17025 accredited service laboratory and competence centre for modern food, feed and pharma analytics. Furthermore, the Berlin-based institute is involved in numerous research projects, and develops and produces innovative diagnostic products for use in public and industrial laboratories. Cooperations with companies such as QIAGEN, for instance, allow users all over the world to benefit from ifp’s expertise in the field of food analytics and kit development.

Dr. Wolfgang Hauser, Head of Molecular Biology
Wagner-Régeny-Str. 8 12489 Berlin, Germany
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