GMO Facts
What is a GMO?
GMO Science
Understanding Low and High Risk
There is no scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs.
According to a 2015 statement signed by 300 scientists, physicians and scholars, the claim of scientific consensus on GMOs frequently repeated in the media is “an artificial construct that has been falsely perpetuated.”
To date, there have been no epidemiological studies investigating potential effects of GMO food on human health.
Most of the research used to claim that GMOs are safe has been performed by biotechnology companies.
A comprehensive review of peer-reviewed animal feeding studies of GMOs found roughly an equal number of research groups raising concerns about genetically engineered foods and those suggesting GMOs were as safe and nutritious as conventional foods. The review also found that most studies finding GMOs foods the same as conventional foods were performed by biotechnology companies or their associates.1
For a comprehensive overview of the available research on GMOs, please download the report “GMO Myths & Truths” published by three leading researchers at Earth Open Source.
1: Source: Center for Food Safety
There is no scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs.
According to a 2015 statement signed by 300 scientists, physicians and scholars, the claim of scientific consensus on GMOs frequently repeated in the media is “an artificial construct that has been falsely perpetuated.”
To date, there have been no epidemiological studies investigating potential effects of GMO food on human health.
Most of the research used to claim that GMOs are safe has been performed by biotechnology companies.
A comprehensive review of peer-reviewed animal feeding studies of GMOs found roughly an equal number of research groups raising concerns about genetically engineered foods and those suggesting GMOs were as safe and nutritious as conventional foods. The review also found that most studies finding GMOs foods the same as conventional foods were performed by biotechnology companies or their associates.1
For a comprehensive overview of the available research on GMOs, please download the report “GMO Myths & Truths” published by three leading researchers at Earth Open Source.
1: Source: Center for Food Safety
There is no scientific consensus on the safety of GMOs.
According to a 2015 statement signed by 300 scientists, physicians and scholars, the claim of scientific consensus on GMOs frequently repeated in the media is “an artificial construct that has been falsely perpetuated.”
To date, there have been no epidemiological studies investigating potential effects of GMO food on human health.
Most of the research used to claim that GMOs are safe has been performed by biotechnology companies.
A comprehensive review of peer-reviewed animal feeding studies of GMOs found roughly an equal number of research groups raising concerns about genetically engineered foods and those suggesting GMOs were as safe and nutritious as conventional foods. The review also found that most studies finding GMOs foods the same as conventional foods were performed by biotechnology companies or their associates.1
For a comprehensive overview of the available research on GMOs, please download the report “GMO Myths & Truths” published by three leading researchers at Earth Open Source.
1: Source: Center for Food Safety