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Non-GMO Project fine line food crop illustration

Alissa Vanlandingham

Social Media Specialist

During her teenage years Alissa began interacting with the concepts of food systems, justice, and planetary and human health via disruptor documentaries of the day such as Food Inc., Forks Over Knives, Super Size Me, and of course, a host of Michael Pollan literature. She was startled to find that she was never taught about these issues in her conventional school education. This awakening led to a holistic lifestyle shift at the time—much to the dismay of her midwestern family. That shift stuck and over the years has morphed into a full-blown passion for conscious consumerism, slow-process goods, awareness, transparency, and advocacy that informs everything about how she lives her life.

After graduating college with a degree in Visual Journalism and gaining career experience via a host of community-based marketing jobs, she was ready to take a deeper dive into the food justice and transparency issues that inspired her from the start. She was thrilled to have found a fitting position at the Non-GMO Project.

When not at work, you can find Alissa perusing local farmers markets, curled up with a coffee and a book, or off exploring with her dog, Willow.

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